I have over 4,500 songs downloaded, but do I still look for new music every week? That was a rhetorical question, of course I do. You should too, but just in case you didn’t this week, I’ve hand-picked some new songs by small artists you can gatekeep from your friends.

“Autumn Rain” - Rachel Sandy
Each song off Sandy’s debut album is inspired by a different popular artist. “Autumn Rain” bears a distinct resemblance to Hozier’s “Cherry Wine” with soft vocals and echoes.
“that’s how it goes” - Dalton Mauldin & Candor
Groovy. Light. Feel-good. All words to describe Mauldin and Candor’s song. Their vocals blend together to create the ideal summer-y tune.
“Keep Me (Acoustic)” - Ashley Singh
Heartbreak is confusing. You want to move on, but don’t want them to. Singh knows that feeling: the leftover love and sadness that accompanies a broken heart.
“Another” - Francis Karel
Sing this song at the top of your lungs as you spend the night driving with friends. If you’re like me and have been dreaming of the car scene from Perks of Being a Wallflower, this is your chance.
“On Your Way Home” - Patrick Droney
Patrick Droney perfectly balances despair and love. The vocals teeter between heartbroken and loving, while simultaneously wrapping you in a blanket of comfort and familiarity.
“Memory Lane” - Haley Joelle
If you miss someone or feel like strangers, listen to “Memory Lane” if you’re fine with crying in your bathtub. This song doesn’t just resurface old memories, but transports you into them.
“Off My Mind” - joe p
Angry at someone? Good. Blare this song in your car and curse the day you met them.
“Brand New” - Public Library Commute
You’re looking for something fresh and new. PLC is too, and they wrote a song about it. Lyrics aren’t the only new thing you’ll find when you hear this song, the melody and music will wash over you with a fresh perspective.
“Better Friends” - Abby Cates
Cates’ vocals capture the boredom and feeling of mediocrity that comes with growing out of friendships, while the music matches the bubbly tune of faking happiness with those whose company you u