As the warm weather fades, and we inch closer to frigid mornings and gloomy nights, music can become a comfort to some, whether it's for background noise, or to relieve your stress. I’ve come up with a mixed playlist that will hopefully help your cold days feel a little warmer.
Daylily - Movements
Something about this song makes me feel like everything will be okay. After hearing it for the first time, I instantly fell in love. When this single was released, it was written for the artist's girlfriend who was, and has been suffering with anxiety and depression. The lyrics already show so much power and knowing the meaning behind it brings them to life. This song speaks to you in a way no other song can.
Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex
We all know Cigarettes After Sex, and we all know that they make great music, but I wanted to highlight “Heavenly.” Listening to this song brings me back to being a little girl again, where nothing mattered other than what was going to be served for dinner that night. The way the artist sings the lyrics brings a great comfort. It's as if they are whispering these lyrics to you and telling you this is where you’re meant to be.
Who’s Laughing Now - DURRY
There is no better song to blast and scream to than this one. As we enter young adulthood, I feel like a lot of people can relate to this song. The lyrics talk about the standards the people should be held to, to achieve certain things, when in reality everyone is living their own different and complex life. No path is the right path, and this song lets you know that it's okay to be “further” behind than others, because it always works out.
Friends - Marsicans
Marsicans is a small UK based band currently on the rise. On Spotify, they have a total of 56,685 monthly listeners, and their song “Friends” has reached over 2 million listens. “Friends” is an upbeat song, with let's say truthful lyrics. This song can make you dance and laugh, but at the same time have you thinking about where all the time went.
Catching feelings (Feat. SIX60) - Drax Project
This song gives the perfect blend of classic jazz and pop. In the song you can hear the saxophone come in at times, just to add a little funk to the song. Drax Project has actually become known for their unique musical blend. The group is seen as a modern boy band, with a little bit of R&B, hiphop, and pop. There really are no words to describe this song other than belt
it. Everytime this song comes on I have no other choice but to scream every lyric as loud as I can.
Rollin’ Stone - Kyle Lux
Kyle Lux has an inspiring talent not only in his songs but in his creative ability to make visuals for each piece. The lyrics in his song talk about his struggles with loneliness and challenges in life. The lyrics, “I don't know if I'm flying, could be falling, crawling, lying, I won't leave you”, expresses what he is feeling exactly, leaving him vulnerable to his viewers, in hopes that they can relate and understand that we all feel a little lonely sometimes.