As someone who, against my will, had multiple 8 a.m. classes that had to be chosen in my freshman year, I know they can be the devil. I was rolling out of bed at a time when most of campus was still asleep, didn't have time to get a coffee or breakfast before class, or had enough sleep; which is awful. The only two classes I have ever been more than 25 minutes late to were those 8 a.m. classes freshman year.
However, I want to look at this from both ends of the spectrum. Some people genuinely want to get classes over early in the day so they can have the rest of the day to themselves. I wholly understand wanting to be done with everything by 2 p.m. You can hang out with friends, get some homework done, or just take a long comfortable nap in the comfort of your bed. But I personally just can't do it. As someone who takes ADHD medication, I feel I should be near the top of the list of people who want classes from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., but I just can't function that early. And when there is the slim chance I can function that early, it sure isn't for learning and doing classwork.
I didn't have any 8 a.m. classes for the last half of my freshman year and the first half of sophomore year. Unfortunately, I had to go back to taking an 8 a.m. last semester, where I was reminded how much I loathed the early morning wake-ups.
But this isn't why we are here, is it? The true question is whether or not 8 a.m’s are effective for learning. That is something that I don’t think anyone can provide a clear, universal answer to. It just depends on the person and how they function. I know for myself, that I am way too tired to pay attention that early. Anyone who says that there is a clear answer on this matter is either just going off what they experience or is lying. Is it effective for me in terms of how I function? Absolutely not, and I am sure a lot of people will agree with that sentiment. But “a lot of people” isn’t everyone. I bet there are some people out there who love their 8 a.m. classes, but when you ask questions like these, you have to acknowledge and look at the bigger picture. This is where you have to be courte ous and be able to listen and constructively disagree with others on this kind of matter.